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DAE CIT 244 | Electronics - II | PAPER - A | Chapter 1 : Boolean Algebra | MCQs

CIT 244

Electronics - II


Chapter 1 : Boolean Algebra

DAE Computer Information Technology | Second Year

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 1 : Boolean Algebra

Question 1:

Following is a POS expression.

Question 2:

A 4-variable Karnaugh map has

Question 3:

𝐴 + \(\overline{𝐴}\) is equal to

Question 4:

Product of Sum is also called

Question 5:

According to Boolean algebra A + AB is equal to

Question 6:

In a K-map “1” indicates

Question 7:

A(B+C) = AB + BC is …….. law in Boolean algebra;

Question 8:

Following is commutative law of Boolean algebra

Question 9:

The Boolean expression A+B+C is a

Question 10:

POS expression can be implemented by logic

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