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DAE CIT 244 | Electronics - II | PAPER - A | Chapter 2 : Binary Arithemetic Circuits | MCQs

CIT 244

Electronics - II


Chapter 2 : Binary Arithemetic Circuits

DAE Computer Information Technology | Second Year

Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 2 : Binary Arithemetic Circuits

Question 1:

A full adder has

Question 2:

A logic circuit which adds only 2-bits is called

Question 3:

If inputs to a half adder are A = 1 and B = 1, then outputs are

Question 4:

A full adder consists of

Question 5:

A half adder consists of

Question 6:

If inputs to a full adder are A = 1, B = 1, and Cin = 0, then outputs are

Question 7:

A half adder has

Question 8:

A logic circuit which adds 3-bits is called

Question 9:

In half subtractor, logic gate is used for borrow.

Question 10:

A logic circuit that accepts the carry input.

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