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DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 5 : Connecting Device | MCQs | Part-2

CIT 223

Computer Networks

Chapter 5 : Connecting Device

DAE Computer Information Technology | Second Year

Multiple Choice Questions

DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 5 : Connecting Device | MCQs | Part-2

Chapter 5 : Connecting Device

Question 11:

What is the function of Network Interface Cards?

Question 12:

A device which is used to boost the signal between two cable segments or wireless access points is

Question 13:

A server is a ___ that controls a number of computers and also has full control over the network.

Question 14:

Choose a WAN device from the below list.

Question 15:

A network hub works at __ layer of OSI reference model.

Question 16:

A network Switch works more or like a Hub except that it ___ packets to destination device and filters forwarding to remaining ports or devices.

Question 17:

A network switch usually uses __ to determine the destination device before forwarding a packet.

Question 18:

A network Gateway device converts one protocol to another protocol to connect two __ LAN networks or simply networks.

Question 19:

A network Bridge device connects two or more networks to form a ___ LAN network.

Question 20:

A network bridge device works at __ layer of OSI reference model.

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