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DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 8 : Network Troubleshooting | MCQs

CIT 223

Computer Networks

Chapter 8 : Network Troubleshooting

DAE Computer Information Technology | Second Year

Multiple Choice Questions

DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 8 : Network Troubleshooting | MCQs

Chapter 8 : Network Troubleshooting

Question 1:

The cable that accepts and transports signals in the form of light is

Question 2:

Which transmission media has the highest transmission speed in a network?

Question 3:

Bits can be sent over guided and unguided media as analog signal by

Question 4:

Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

Question 5:

The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called

Question 6:

The copper wire is the example of

Question 7:

Transmission media are usually categorized as _______.

Question 8:

_______ cable consists of an inner copper core and a second conducting outer sheath.

Question 9:

In fiber optics, the signal is _______ waves.

Question 10:

__________ consists of a central conductor and a shield.

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