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DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 4 : Local Area Network (LAN) | MCQs

CIT 223

Computer Networks

Chapter 4 : Local Area Network (LAN)

DAE Computer Information Technology | Second Year

Multiple Choice Questions

DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 4 : Network Troubleshooting | MCQs

Chapter 4 : Local Area Network (LAN)

Question 1:

A LAN (Local Area Network) can cover a distance of ___ KM.

Question 2:

Multiple LANs can be connected to form a single MAN (Metropolitan Area Network). State TRUE/FALSE.

Question 3:

The types of transmission channel or media used for LAN or WAN are __.

Question 4:

A simple WIFI modem forms a __ wireless network.

Question 5:

Which type of network supports transmitting voice, video and data?

Question 6:

WAN or MAN may also contain __ in between to complete the network.

Question 7:

If a WAN is wholly owned by a single company including all intermediate links, it is called a __ network.

Question 8:

The largest WAN existing on this earth is ___.

Question 9:

The technologies used in a WAN network are __.

Question 10:

The main hardware used to access a LAN resource is __.

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