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DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 3 : Multiplexing | MCQs

CIT 223

Computer Networks

Chapter 3 : Multiplexing

DAE Computer Information Technology | Second Year

Multiple Choice Questions

DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 3 : Network Troubleshooting | MCQs

Chapter 3 : Multiplexing

Question 1:

The sharing of a medium and its link by two or more devices is called _________

Question 2:

Multiplexing is used in _______

Question 3:

Which multiplexing technique used to transmit digital signals?

Question 4:

If link transmits 4000frames per second, and each slot has 8 bits, the transmission rate of circuit this TDM is _________

Question 5:

The state when dedicated signals are idle are called __________

Question 6:

Multiplexing provides _________

Question 7:

In TDM, slots are further divided into _________

Question 8:

The sharing of a medium and its link by two or more devices is called _______.

Question 9:

Which multiplexing technique transmits digital signals?

Question 10:

The sharing of a medium and its link by two or more devices is called _______.


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