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DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 7 : Network Administration and Management | MCQs

CIT 223

Computer Networks

Chapter 7 : Network Administration and Management

DAE Computer Information Technology | Second Year

Multiple Choice Questions

DAE CIT 223 | Computer Networks | Chapter 7 : Network Administration and Management | MCQs

Chapter 7 : Network Administration and Management

Question 1:

A Computer network consists of __ number of computers or servers or systems.

Question 2:

A computer network may contain __.

Question 3:

Each server in a computer dedicated server network is known as

Question 4:

A typical _________ program creates some remote objects, makes references to these objects accessible, and waits for clients to invoke methods on these objects.

Question 5:

A typical __________ program obtains a remote reference to one or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods on them.

Question 6:

An object acting as a gateway for the client side.

Question 7:

The Performance management, is closely related to

Question 8:

A set of rules that govern all aspects of information communication is called

Question 9:

The processes on each machine that communicate at a given layer are called

Question 10:

A switch can allow fast handling of the

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