DAE | CH-213 | Applied Chemistry DAE | DIPLOMA OF ASSOCIATE ENGINEER CH 213 | APPLIED CHEMISTRY MCQS SHORT QUESTIONS LONG QUESTIONS PAST PAPERS NUMERICALS NOTES DOWNLOAD MCQS 1. Chapter:01 (Introduction to Chemistry) New 2. Chapter:02 (Fundamental concepts of chemistry) New 3. Chapter:03 (Atomic structure) New 4. Chapter:04 (Chemical bond) New 5. Chapter:05 (Gases and liquids) New 6. Chapter:06 (Water) New 7. Chapter:07 (Acids, bases and salts) New 8. Chapter:08 (Oxidation and reduction) New 9. Chapter:09 (Nuclear Chemistry) New 10. Chapter:10 (Alloys) New 11. Chapter:11 (Fuels) New 12. Chapter:12 (Corrosion) New 13. Chapter:13 (Metallurgy) New 14. Chapter:14 (Thermo-chemistry) New 15. Chapter:15 (Lubricants) New 16. Chapter:16 (Pollution) New SHORT QUESTIONS 1. Chapter:01 (Introduction to Chemistry) New 2. Chapter:02 (Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry) New 3. Chapter:03 (Atomic Structure) New 4. Chapter:04 (Chemical Bond) New 5. Chapter:05 (Liquids and Gases) New 6. Chapter:06 (Water) New 7. Chapter:07 (Acid, Bases & salts) New 8. Chapter:08 (Oxidation & Reduction) New 9. Chapter:09 (Nuclear Chemistry) New LONG QUESTIONS PAST PAPERS 2023 IA New NUMERICALS NOTES DOWNLOAD Facebook Tweet CopyLink Copied Share
Nice 👍 work thanks sir