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I-COM | Part-1 | Principal of Accounting | Impotant MCQs | Chapter 01 | Part-3

I-COM | Part-1

Principal of Accounting

Chapter 1 : Introduction

Intermediate in Commerce | First Year

Multiple Choice Questions


Chapter 21 : Introduction

Question 1:

For the business capital is:

Question 22:

Assets of a business are called:

Question 23:

Assets which provide benefit for more than one accounting period are called ..... assets.

Question 24:

Banking is example of business:

Question 25:

All the things purchased for resale purpose are called:
Purchase of things for resale are called:

Question 26:

According to which concept business and owner has separate entity:

Question 27:

A person to whome goods sold on credit is called:

Question 28:

In business, the discount is received from:

Question 29:

The properties owned by business are called.
All economic resourses owned by an organization are called.

Question 30:

Discount is:

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