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DAE PGA 242 | Conventional & Digital Plate Making | Chapter 1 : History and introduction of lithographic Surface | Short Questions

PGA 242

Conventional & Digital Plate Making

Chapter 1 : History and introduction of lithographic Surface

DAE Printing & Graphic Art Technology | Second Year

Short Questions

Hand Lithography Plate:
They are a distinct type of printmaking based on the inability of oil and water to mix. The general process for a hand lithograph begins with the artist drawing directly onto a flat surface (stone or metal plate) using a lithographic crayon or pencil. From this drawing the prints are inked and pulled.
Original Lithography Plate:
An original lithograph is when the artist creates the work of art on a stone plate. The word "lithograph" means, "stone- print". Lithography works on the simple physical principal that oil and water do not mix.

Lithography is a printmaking process based on the principle that grease and water resist each other.

Lithography was invented in 1798 by Alois Senefelder.

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