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DAE CIT 244 | PAPER A | Electronics II | Chapter 1 | Boolean Algebra | Short Questions

DAE | Computer Information Technology (CIT)
CIT 2nd Year | CIT-244 (Electronics-II) | PAPER A
Chapter : 01 (Boolean Algebra)
Short Questions
Question 1 Define Boolean Algebra
Question 2 Write four OR theorems
Question 3 Write four AND theorems
Question 4 Write Commutative Laws of Boolean Algebra
Question 5 Write Associative Laws of Boolean Algebra
Question 6 Write the equations of De-Morgan's Laws
Question 7 Prove that A + A B = A
Question 8 Simplify the expression B + A . B
Question 9 Define SOP expression with example
Question 10 Define POS expression with example
Question 11 What is the purpose of Karnaugh map?
Question 12 Draw two variable Karnaugh map
Question 13 Draw three variable Karnaugh map
Question 14 How many cells are there in a 4 variables K-map?
Question 15 What is the formula to calculate number of cells in a K-map?
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